Commission Openings

Interested in becoming a member of the Nevada Commission on Judicial Discipline?

Purpose: This Commission is comprised of two (2) attorney members appointed by the State Bar of Nevada; three (3) lay members appointed by the Governor of Nevada; and, two (2) judges appointed by the Nevada Supreme Court. Then, there are two (2) alternate attorney members, also appointed by the State Bar of Nevada; two (2) alternate lay members, also appointed by the Governor; and, six (6) alternate judicial members, also appointed by the Nevada Supreme Court. The Commission was created by a Constitutional amendment on November 2, 1976, to investigate allegations of Judicial misconduct in office, violations of the Code of Judicial Conduct, or disability of judges.


Judicial Members: None at this time.
Attorney Members: None at this time.

Lay Members: None at this time.

Alternate Judicial Members: None at this time.

Alternate Attorney Members: None at this time.

Alternate Lay Members: None at this time.
Term Length: Four-year terms.


Judicial Officers: Contact Clerk of the Court, Elizabeth Brown,, Supreme Court of Nevada, 201 South Carson Street, Suite 201, Carson City, NV 89701-4702; 775/684-1600; fax 775/684-1601.

Attorneys: Submit resumes to Ms. Gale Skala,, Governance Coordinator, Nevada State Bar, 3100 West Charleston Blvd., Suite 100, Las Vegas, NV 89102; 702/382-2200; or fax to: 702/385-2878.

Lay Persons: Submit an application to the Governor’s office. A link can be found on our website by clicking on "Resources" on the menu bar at the top of this page; then click on "Important Links."