2007 Opinions
12/26/07 - Propriety of a Group of Judges Jointly Issuing Invitations to Potential Supporters to Attend a Joint Function Concerning Their Candidacy for Election to Their Current Judicial Positions
12/06/07 - Propriety of a Judge Becoming Member of a Non‐Profit Organization Dedicated to Advancing Public Dialogue on Foreign Relations Through Educational Events
10/25/07 - Propriety of Allowing a Local Television Station to Videotape a Trial for Later Posting on the Television Station’s Website for Viewing by the General Public
08/31/07 - Propriety of a Juvenile Probation Officer Serving as a Justice of the Peace Pro‐Tem
08/30/07 - Propriety of a Sitting Judge Serving as a Reference for a Candidate for Judicial Appointment
08/10/07 - Propriety of a Judge Participating and Continuing Membership in Clubs and Committees Affiliated with a Political Party
06/14/07 - Propriety of a Justice of the Peace Also Serving as a Reservist in the Air Force Judge Advocate General Corps
05/22/07 - Propriety of a Full‐Time Court Master Appointed Under N.R.S. 3.405 Also Serving as a Continuing Part‐Time Justice of the Peace
05/22/07 - Propriety of a District Judge Presiding in Cases in Which an Attorney or Members of the Attorney’s Law Firm are Counsel to a Party Where the Effected Judge was Represented by the Attorney in Administrative Proceedings and Civil Litigation Related to Compliance with the Requirements of the Nevada Code of Judicial Conduct (“NCJC”)
05/21/07 - Propriety of a Judge Hearing Criminal or Civil Cases Which Involve the Firm in Which the Judge’s Child is an associate Attorney
04/26/07 - Propriety of Surveying Criminal Defendants on the Quality of Service Provided by Contract Attorneys
04/12/07 - Propriety of a Judge, Who is also a Parent and President of a Charitable Organization Which Supports a Particular High School, Participating on a Committee to Develop and Make a Recommendation to the School District on a Mandatory, but Random, Drug‐Testing Program of Student Athletes at the High School
03/15/07 - Propriety of Judges Presiding Over Cases Where the Attorney for a Party is Associated with a Law Firm Representing an Association of Which the Judges are Members Before the Legislature in Support of Legislation to Increase the Number of Judges in the District Court on Which the Judges Sit