
Date Opinion Number Canon(s) Question(s) 
05/22/07 JE07-006 2; 3B(7), 3E(1)(a) May a full-time district court master appointed pursuant to NRS 3.045 also serve as a continuing part-time justice of the peace? 
06/14/07 JE07-007 2A; 4G Does a justice of the peace serving in the Air Force Reserve as a judge advocate general (JAG) violate judicial canons and the Nevada statute prohibiting the practice of law and may the judge be compensated as a reservist?
08/31/07 JE07-010 2A; 3E(1)(a) Does a juvenile probation office serving as a justice of the peace pro-tem violate judicial canons?
12/18/08 JE08-017 2, 2B; 4, 4D(1)(b), 4E, 4F, 4H May a retired judge subject to recall be employed as an interpreter for courts and private attorneys?
07/06/10 JE10-002
3, Rules 3.1, 3.7(A),
3.12, 3.14 and 3.15
May a Nevada district judge speak or teach at a continuing professional education seminar or program and prepare written materials related to such presentation, for which the judge will be compensated, where the program is sponsored and conducted by a nonprofit organization that imposes and collects fees from program attendees? 
12/30/10 JE10-016
3, Rules 3.1, 3.7(A),
3.12, 3.14 and 3.15
May a Nevada municipal court judge teach at a college or university as a continuing member of the institution's faculty for which the judge will be compensated, where the institution is either or both a public university or a private college or university conducted for profit?