Serving on Boards & Associations

Date Opinion Number Canon(s) Question(s) 
06/15/98 JE98-001
1; 2, 2A, 2B; 3, 3A; 
4, 4A(3), 4C(2);
May an elected, non-partisan municipal judge run for and serve, if elected, as a non-partisan, non-paid Regent of the University of Nevada System?
08/01/00 JE00-005 3, 4 May a family court domestic violence commissioner participate on a domestic violence fatality review team so long as the commissioner does not participate in the review of cases that are pending in, or which reasonably may come before, the court in which the commissioner presides?
05/07/04 JE04-004
4C, 4G 
1. May a judge write a letter of recommendation on behalf of a candidate for admission to law school?*
2. May a judge write a letter of support on behalf of a doctor in a medical licensing hearing?*
3. May a judge write a letter to a county commission in support of a candidate for district attorney?*
* (Does not apply to this topic, see Letters)
4. May a judge serve as president of his neighborhood association, including appearing publicly on behalf of the association to advocate for or against rezoning matters? (APPLIES TO THIS TOPIC)
06/08/06 JE06-004 4A(1) May a justice of the peace serve as an unpaid consultant to implement a new communications system for the county in which he serves, when the county sheriff's department administers the system? 
09/01/06 JE06-013 2, 2B; 4, 4A, 4B, 4C May a judge who is assigned to manage and hear cases in a complex and specialized area of the law, serve as a program advisor to a private, for-profit business organization with respect to educational seminars which that entity sponsors, where the entity consults with potential litigants and actual litigants concerning claims related to that same area of law?
04/12/07 JE07-002 2, 2B, 2D;
4, 4B, 4C, 4G
May a judge who is a parent and president of a charitable organization which supports a particular high school serve on a committee to develop and recommend a mandatory, but random, drug testing program for student athletes at the high school?
01/31/08 JE08-001 4D(1), 4D(3) May a judge serve on an advisory board related to the construction of a for profit enterprise, with or without compensation?
03/07/08 JE08-003 5A, 5B, 5C** May a candidate for election to judicial office who is not presently serving in a judicial capacity on a full- or part-time basis continue to serve as an officer of a Bar Association?
10/16/08 JE08-015 4A(1), 4C(2) May a recently elected justice of the peace continue to serve on the Nevada Council for the Prevention of Domestic Violence?
03/13/09 JE09-002 4A, 4C(4) May a Nevada district judge accept an appointment to serve on the board of directors of a non-profit organization that provides support services to victims of domestic violence, including a court advocacy program assisting victims with applications for temporary protection orders and stalking orders before the justice courts?
11/22/10 JE10-013 1, Rules 1-3; 3,
Rules 3.2(A)
and 3.4;
4, Rule 4.1(A)(3)
May an incumbent justice of the peace who is retiring from his or her judicial office prior to the expiration of the term of such office accept an appointment to serve on a committee or panel that will evaluate a list of candidates for appointment to replace the retiring justice of the peace?
04/20/11 JE11-005 3, Rules 3.1 and 3.7 May a district judge be a candidate for election or re-election to the Board of Governors of the State Bar of Nevada, and if elected may the judge serve on such Board?
04/20/11 JE11-006 3, Rules 3.1 and 3.7 Is the Committee's Advisory Opinion No. JE11-005 applicable to a full-time district court hearing master?
07/22/11 JE11-007
3, Rules 3.1(B)
and 3.1(C)
May a judge serve as an appointed member on a multidisciplinary team organized pursuant to Senate Bill 66 (2011) and NRS 33.018 to review the death of the victim of a crime constituting domestic violence?
09/01/11 JE11-009
3, Rules 3.1,
3.7(a)(6) and 3.8(A)
May a Nevada district court judge accept appointment as a Volunteer Court Appointed Special Advocate or to serve on the Board of Directors of the CASA Foundation?
05/31/12 JE12-006 3, Rules 3.1 and 3.7 May a judge or candidate for election to judicial office volunteer as a security director for a charitable organization's annual golf tournament in a conjunction with the judge's work with a non-profit organization?
10/08/12 JE12-011 3, Rule 3.1 May a judge serve as a member of the board of a homeowner's association?
11/21/17 JE17-003 1, Rule 1.2; 2, Rules 2.10, 2.11, 2.14 and 2.15; 3, Rules 3.1, 3.3 and 3.7 May a pro tempore/alternate judge serve concurrently as a volunteer member of the State Bar of Nevada's Standing Committee on Professional Responsibility and Ethics?