2012 Opinions
10/08/12 - Propriety of a Judge Serving as a Member of the Board of a Homeowners’ Association
09/22/12 - Propriety of a Judge Providing a General Letter of Recommendation for a Project Manager Based on Personal Knowledge of His Performance
08/20/12 - Propriety of a Judge Soliciting or Accepting Donations to be Used as Incentives for Participants in Court Administered Drug Court Program
08/15/12 - Propriety of a Judicial Candidate Accepting a Campaign Contribution from a Partisan Political Party and Disseminating Campaign Materials at Political Party Office
06/05/12 - Propriety of a Judge Co‐Hosting a Television Program on Commercial Television Network
05/31/12 - Propriety of a Judge or Candidate for Judicial Office Serving as a Member of the Board of a Non‐Profit Organization and Volunteer as a Security Director for a Special Event on Behalf of a Non‐Profit
04/13/12 - Propriety of a Judicial Candidate Soliciting or Accepting Campaign Contributions During Nominating Petition Process
03/28/12 - Propriety of a Judge or Candidate for Judicial Office Serving as a Delegate to a County, State, or National Political Convention
03/22/12 - Propriety of a Judicial Candidate Signing a Campaign Pledge and Responding to a Campaign Questionnaire
03/09/12 - Propriety of Judicial Candidates Riding Together on the Same Campaign Float in a Public Parade
02/17/12 - Propriety of a Candidate for Judicial Office Accepting an Invitation to Speak at a Political Organization When the Invitation Does Not Expressly State that Only Judicial Candidates Who are Registered Members of a Given Political Party Will be Allowed to Speak